perpetual motion Blanket

This is one of 30 blankets in the Geometric Knit Blankets book.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

A pinwheel of gorgeous colors appears to spin on this dramatic blanket.

This fun-to-knit blanket goes together quickly and easily

The yarn is the soft and gorgeous colors of Haydenville, by Valley Yarns, a worsted weight super-wash merino wool in lovely shades that meld together.

The blanket is worked mostly modularly with a few seams.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.

Perpetual Motion blanket by Margaret Holzmann, in soft, durable and beautiful hues of Valley Yarns (Haydenville, worsted). Photo by Gerard Holzmann.



The idea for this blanket comes from an Amish spinning star quilt pattern, pictured below.

Spinning Star quilt example from

Spinning Star quilt example from