3-needle BO for shaping pieces

3-needle BO for Joining Shapes

Backwards Loop Increase (BLI)

Join-As-You-Go for Garter Stitch

Mattress Stitch for Garter Stitch - used to join completed pieces together

Pick up and Knit on Diagonal Edge

Purling Backwards

Weaving draped yarn during pick up and knit

Wrap and Turn (i.e. Short Rows) for Garter Stitch

Pinhole Cast On (CO), used in Prisma

Pu&k on diagonal edge

Sewing on Embellishments

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Flower Show Petals

Flower Show Corners and Edges

Fin for Something Fishy Blanket

Eyelashes for the Stay Paw-sitive Blanket

Crochet Eye for Something Fishy and More Than a Feline blankets

Provisional Cast On using Needle and Scrap Yarn

Provisional Cast On Using Needle and Crochet hook