Granada Blanket

Granada is one of 30 blankets in the Geometric Knit Blankets book.

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Alternate Color Designs for GRanada

To experiment with colors for this blanket, see the the Supplemental Content (access code at end of book) to download a coloring page to experiment with your own color ideas.

Granada in Reef (multi color from Red Heart Super Saver yarn), aqua, brown, white and camel

Granada in Reef (multi color from Red Heart Super Saver yarn), aqua, brown, white and camel

The inspiring colors and geometric patterns of Spanish tile designs are translated into a beautiful blanket for your home. Worked in Red Heart Super Saver, multis and solids; choose from a variety of colors to match your home’s décor.

Not Your Same Old Mitered Square

This blanket is made from 3 mitered shapes. The arrangements of the completed pieces creates and overall pattern of diamonds. The blanket is worked in strips that are sewn together.

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020

Granada blanket, photograph by Gerard Holzmann, 2020


When my daughter Natalie was a babe in arms, we went to Spain for three weeks and visited Granada and Toledo. I was so awe-struck by the tile and ceramics, particularly at The Alhambra. This blanket is my homage to the artisans of that bygone era.

Tilework at The Alhambra, near Granada, Spain. photo source:

Tilework at The Alhambra, near Granada, Spain. photo source:

Granada in Mexicana (multi color from Red Heart Super Saver yarn), red, white, blue, and yellow

Granada in Mexicana (multi color from Red Heart Super Saver yarn), red, white, blue, and yellow